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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Happy 85th

My mother turned 85 on June 20th.  I love that she takes (and always has) such excellent care of her health.
My sister and I took her to see her Sister, my Aunt Pat, for the day which is always fun and when we get them to talking about their childhood and the life of the times it is so very interesting.

View Therapy

View of Hayden Lake from walking our neighborhood.
I like to soak it up while I can because Winters are long and covered in snow.
 Below is a view from walking along Silver Beach. My favorite place to cover 4 miles.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Blessing Saylor! June 1, 2014

Fun thing....Saylor in Christening Gown that her mama was blessed in July 1986.  It was given to us by our dear Inga who brought it over from Sweden when she immigrated approximately 50 years ago.  Very special to us.  Also Saylor wore the baby ring that Suzi and all siblings wore that was mine at birth in 1952.

March 24th -- health alert

For those of you who didn't know Norm battled and beat cancer in the year 2000.  It was a head and neck tissue mid-line granuloma (T-cell) lymphoma.  Chances of beating it at the time were very slim. 
Now he is having symptoms that indicate something going on in the central nervous system. 
 We have a very bright neurologist working on this with endless tests as she believes the lymphoma has comeback but we haven't been able to locate it yet, so will be repeating tests every 3 months until we find the differential. 
It was originally very difficult to find perhaps as much as five years after the fist symptoms,  It's extremely slow growing and extremely difficult to kill.  Head and neck tissue complicates the picture even more and when lymphoma comes back, it can show up anywhere. 
So we take life a day at a time.....
prayers are welcome!