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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My how time flies-----------

No picture today, perhaps I'll add one a little later. But what brings me to this post is that my youngest, Kelly turned 21 yesterday. Now, how did that happen? No little kids anymore, no teenagers anymore, now my older four are in their 30's and my younger 3 are all in their 20's, allllll adults now. Hmmmm

Also, there will no doubt be a class reunion this year for Hermiston High School Class of 1970, and yes-yes that makes it a 40 year reunion. I remember when my husband and I were married, that his parents were having their 25th reunion, and I thought they were really old---I'd never be that old----------so what's that make me now ANCIENT?!

Just sayin----it can sure get away from you when you're not lookin.

And I have to remember I'll never be younger than I am today.....